
South Gate High School
1970's Alumni

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First NameLast NameClass ofBiography ExcerptLast updated
AllisonHemphill1974We've had many adventures trying to ren...08-23-2006
AprilMcFadden1977It's cold, snowy and w/o sunshine here, I sure do miss California... 08-19-2006
ArthurKinkade1972Working in the freight transportation business since...02-06-2009
BarbaraJaramillo1977I am married to Jason...02-04-2010
BernardoCorrea1977Graduated from USC in 1981...11-13-2010
BruceBenton1974...recently bought a restored 1969 Pontiac GTO similar to...10-18-2006
CalBoring1973My last name was so Boring that I just had to change it to Banyan... 09-16-2006
CarlosGonzalez1970Retired from the Navy in '92; currently reside in...09-21-2006
ChuckWalker1974Living in beautiful Central Oregon. Been here for 25 years...09-03-2006
CliffWallick1972Out of HS (January) Went 2 Culinary School/College in L.A...03-24-2009
Clifford (CliNorman197004-23-2018
ColeenDaugherty1971I worked as a Pharmacy-Tech for 17 years...06-29-2007
CosilynLacey1974I graduated from Pitzer College...04-08-2009
CraigHeiland1972I've been working as an accountant since graduating...05-29-2009
CurtisHenderson1973I went on to graduate from Whittier College with a degree...06-01-2009
Cynthia DWhite1972I've been everywhere, man...09-05-2007
DanMcInnis1972My Wife and I have been traveling for the...09-24-2006
DanShubin1970Starting with an interesting last semester...05-30-2007
DebbieLanier1974I married Mark Hampton, class of 1974...10-01-2007
DebiSenf1977Got married in 1979 had 4 kids...05-20-2011
DeniseDavis1974After many years of working in Accounting...10-06-2007
DeniseBrown1972I am living in Washington state and have...10-15-2009
DesmondFonseca1974After graduation I went into the military...11-15-2012
DonJordan1972Living in China...07-31-2010
DonnaKebre1977In 1983 I married my college sweetheart and we...01-28-2007
DonnaGuilmette1972I've been married to my high school sweetie since...06-05-2007
DoraAston1973For the past 9 years I have taught school at...09-11-2006
DottySharp1973I'm always on the go but I do enjoy it...04-30-2007
ElaineVallandingham1972With all the sights I've seen, I still opt to live within a mile of...10-04-2006
FrankLaszlo1973Just doing life on life's terms...06-05-2007
GaryLarson1977After high school I spent six years in the US Navy...06-03-2020
GuyBoyd1974Still having a good time here in So Calif.04-28-2008
JackieElder1970I am a retired Hair Dresser/Salon Owner...02-28-2009
JamesBoggs1973I soon found out the beach was way too close...11-17-2009
JeffBowman1972I've been married since 1973 and have 4...09-17-2006
JeffWolf1972was a radio announcer from 1986 through 2009...08-01-2011
JefferyTannehill1975I have been a Car stereo & alarm installer...10-26-2006
JerryMillsap1971Retired in 2010 after working...02-20-2012
JoelTaylor1976I've been in the music industry for nearly 30 years...11-16-2007
JohnWieght1976I now live in Boston Massachusetts and have a family of...08-15-2009
JohnAston1975Still living in South Gate...11-18-2007
JohnCalvert1973Raising family. 10 grandkids...10-31-2009
JulieKyte1973In 1974 I moved to Hermosa Beach where I...04-17-2007
KarenSmith1972...back in So. Calif., which I refuse to leave ever again...08-26-2007
KathieCrosby1974I'm a happy grandma of three granddaughters and...09-27-2006
KathleenGirardin1972After graduation I attended San Diego State...07-31-2007
KerryEvanoff1973After working for a few years at Downey Music with...10-31-2012
KevinSexton1974I have been living in Ohio for the past 25 years...12-21-2007
KimButler1975After spending some time in the Navy I met my wife...09-25-2007
LanitaHerndon1972...raised four beautiful children and now I have 6...09-03-2006
LeeAffholter1972During my 21 years in the USAF I lived in...07-22-2010
LeVellKillen1972After graduating from Fullerton College, I began...10-10-2006
LindaKay1972...for the last 20 years and now live in S...09-22-2006
LoraVillapania1975We made our home here in the city of South Gate and...06-09-2007
MarcWiz1974I've been living in Austin, Texas since October 1990...10-13-2006
MardellBates1974I attended Woodbury University right after graduating...06-25-2007
MarkCampbell1970I have lived in Alaska since 1972...06-18-2009
MartyBrown1972Since graduating, I have been BODYSURFING! Between...08-21-2006
MaryStevenson1973Since 1973, my life has been quite an adventure...08-25-2006
MarySimpson1975I have been married for 30 years to...07-19-2007
MauriceJohnson1972By the way, the 35th reunion was great...09-30-2007
MelissaWoods1973I returned to school at midlife and finished my...09-03-2007
MichelleKeech1973After Graduating in '73, I went to UCSB for three...01-31-2007
MikeGreen1972If you thought you saw someone that looked like me at...03-19-2008
NickBeck1970Moved to Boston area...03-06-2010
PamHummel1970Spent many years traveling as a military spouse, teaching...08-23-2006
PattiHerrera1977Now enjoying raising kids and...03-01-2010
PattyBaker1973Wow! So many years have passed,and yet this website brings...01-05-2007
RhondaKing1975Married Ron Jordan out of high school...08-04-2010
RobertBaldwin1974Have been living in the great state of Oregon since...08-26-2007
RobertaVidal1971I love the Bay Area, but my heart is still in LA...08-26-2006
SandraWheaton1971Live in Bellflower, California. Have worked...01-01-2007
SandraHelms1973I love the weather in the High Desert...08-03-2011
SandyYeates1971Married a Warren HS alumni...09-26-2006
SiouxMac Lauchlin1972I have worked hard for years and decided to reap my...07-23-2012
SteveSullivan1970...still love So. Cal. but nice to be here...09-20-2006
steveswanson1976Writer, forester, poet and...10-18-2011
SusanWare1974Like all of you, I cannot believe how t...08-04-2009
SusanHansen1974Graduated from CSULB with a Business Degree...03-17-2011
SusetteNaVeaux1977I work at the local amusment park as a balloon artist...08-20-2006
TammyDixon1975Just recently moved to Florida with my husband Art...01-05-2009
TedTannehill1977We have a houseful of cats, they come in handy...10-25-2006
TheresaMoore1972Went to college for 7 years. Got...08-20-2006
TimMcFadden1973As promised--> The Mr. Napier Story, Junior High homeroom 409...10-12-2006
TomMoore1973and now live on the north shore of L...08-23-2006
TracyFredell1973What fun to go to school and get to play all day...04-16-2007
TriciaTims1972I lived in Belmont Shore after graduation and...06-08-2007
WendyPeterson1973I made the "giant" leap from SG to OC in 1980...07-21-2008
WilburnBaker1979Joined the US Air Force. Live in Ohio...12-26-2007
William (BillPetri1972Here goes, life hasn't changed much, I'm still in the...09-03-2006

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